Scuba diving equipmentWith out some equipment to help us dive we are going to have a very bad time chasing Whale Sharks or Manta Rays, with a BCD a Regulator, a mask and some fins our day is going to get a lot better. Diving equipment, is not included in the package prices, you have to rent it separately for the duration of the trip you book.
The reason it is not included in your package price is that many liveaboard divers have and travel with their own diving equipment, so why pay for something you are not using? Renting your equipment independently of the trip price helps keep the price of the liveaboard packages nice and low.
To make things as simple as possible, we of course offer gear rental, so when making a booking, we will definitely ask you to let us know exactly which pieces of equipment you will need. Weight Belts, Weights, Surface Marker Buoy & Tanks are included. So if you have absolutely zero bits of your own equipment, this is what you need to rent and how much it will cost per day.
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Night diving onboard the Scuba Explorer liveaboardNight diving is one of, if not, the best form of diving ever conceived in the great minds of the divers that have come before us. Someone somewhere once jumped into the dark murky waters of the ocean at night with probably nothing more than a torch wrapped in duct tape to go in search of the reefs night time critters and wonders.
Thankfully night diving today is a lot less troublesome and is offered as an optional dive at the end of each day while you are onboard the Scuba Explorer. Our guides and Instructors are always willing to do these dives, so definitely ask them, most of the time they will probably be attempting to convince you to do one because it’s an amazing chance to see creatures that only come out onto the reef once the sun sets.
Night diving is exciting and completely safe, our guides and instructors are the best Phuket has to offer and safety is always their primary concern. Torches are provided for the night dives and your guide will have back-up lights just in case. When there a bigger groups of night divers the reef can be lit up like a Christmas tree for your viewing pleasure.
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Packing for liveaboard tripsPlanning for a holiday or cruise can sometimes take up as much time as the holiday itself, by the time you’ve figured out you brought 7 different wall chargers none of which fit the socket, it’s to late. So let me help you guys and girls out with a quick rundown of things you should bring on our liveaboard trips and things you need not worry about.
The Scuba Explorer is a cut above the competition when it comes to onboard service, our guests are top priority and we treat you like you’ve booked into a five star hotel. That being the case means there is not a huge amount of need to travel heavy when joining us on trips, we have everything covered, so that you can relax.
We provide each guest with 2 towels, free fresh water, juice, soft drinks, coffee & tea oh and this season he beer is also free, in fact the only paid for beverages are the bottles of fine wine we have onboard. Fully stocked biscuit jars, bread, condiments and fruit. Fully equipped first aid and med kit.
Food is a great buffet style selection of Thai, Japanese and Western dishes. You get Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, plus brunch and a mid-afternoon snack to keep you fueled up for diving. There is no need to bring your own food onboard, but sugary snacks are always welcome if you like to share.
So what should you bring?
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